CAMAERA Review Meeting

The CAMAERA review meeting at month 9 was hold on Thursday 10th of October, in the presence of project officer Lukas Lanneau from the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), of our project reviewer Dimitrios Melas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and of DG DEFIS programme officer Maria Berdahl. The meeting was held online with all the CAMAERA work packages leaders. The progress of each work package was shown; the most prominent of them are:

  • First test of assimilating lidar data in the Integrated Forecast System – WP1
  • Development of an aerosol verification python tool – WP3
  • First use of neural network techniques in the global CAMS system – WP5
  • Implementation and evaluation of fungal spores in the EMEP model (Figure below) – WP7
  • Simulations with the global system using regional emissions – WP9

The progress of the project was judged very satisfactory by all representatives of the EC.

The next event will be the CAMAERA General Assembly that will be held online on 10th of December.

left, simulated and observed surface concentration of arabitol+mannitol; Right, impact on simulated PM10 over Europe

Left: simulated and observed surface concentration of arabitol+mannitol (sugar alcohols that are proxies for fungal spores) over European stations by the EMEP model of METNorway, assuming 4.5% of fungal spores mass is arabitol and mannitol. Right: impact on simulated PM10 over Europe. Also shown are skill scores of EMEP simulated PM10, with and without the fungal spores module, including Normalized Mean Bias (NMB), spatial and temporal correlation.