CAMAERA Online General Assembly

The CAMAERA project organizes an online General Assembly on Tuesday 10th December 2024, from 9:30 to 16:35 CET. CAMAERA scientists will present their achievements in the first year of the project and discuss the perspectives for the second year. This event gives the opportunity to discover the CAMAERA innovation and results. For the CAMS users, it is also a good occasion to report feedbacks on the products during the open discussions throughout the day.

Total aerosol mass mixing ratio (μg/kg) at ground level analysis by IFS-COMPO, difference from assimilating data from 37 European lidars on 2/9/2023 0UTC. Inline, observed backscatter from the lidar at Toulouse on 2/9/2023, showing the signal from a dust plume below 2-3 km of altitude.

1 : IFS-COMPO = ECMWF Integrated Forecasting System with atmospheric composition extensions