
The CAMAERA consortium is composed of 15 partners, from 11 European countries plus ECMWF which is an international organization, gathering recognized experts in atmospheric aerosols and chemistry modelling and data assimilation, at both regional and global scales.

To maintain the required close link between CAMS and CAMAERA, key organisations in CAMS are also part of the CAMAERA consortium. The CAMAERA consortium is led by HYGEOS, which has been leading the past and ongoing CAMS project that carries out developments of the aerosol scheme of the global production system. ECMWF, a key partner of the consortium, is the operator of the CAMS global system and the main developer of the assimilation side of the CAMS global system. Furthermore, all of the institutes operating and developing the CAMS regional are partners in the CAMAERA consortium. This ensures that CAMAERA are targeted to the needs and requirements of CAMS, for both global and regional aspects. This also ensures the smooth uptake of the CAMAERA developments in CAMS.