Outcomes of CAMAERA General Assembly

Emission of biomass burning aerosols

More than 40 scientists from 16 European research institutes participated in the online CAMAERA General Assembly on 10th December 2024. All 15 CAMAERA partners were present, with a few invited organizations as well, such as the National Observatory of Athens (NOA).

Fruitful discussions occured between the participants. They exchanged about the first results with data assimilation of lidar data from the e-profile network in the global model IFS-COMPO, the use of an ensemble approach to carry out offline dust emissions inversion, the implementation of a modal aerosol scheme into openIFS, the dust emissions in the SILAM model, the use of neural networks to simulate whitecap fraction in IFS-COMPO, the implementation and extension of online biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds emissions in IFS-COMPO, the representation of fungal spores in regional and global models (figure below), the impact of using regional emissions in the global model and the study of very high resolution simulations with IFS-COMPO.

Discover the details of these topics in the General Assembly presentations below.

Meet you on 4th – 5th June 2025 in Lille for the next CAMAERA General Assembly.

Average of surface concentration in µg/m3 of fungal spores simulated by IFS-COMPO, using the Heald and Spracklen emissions parameterization, for January (left) and July (right) 2019.

Average of surface concentration in µg/m3 of fungal spores simulated by IFS-COMPO, using the Heald and Spracklen emissions parameterization, for January (left) and July (right) 2019.